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Back from Hamburg

Our room in Hamburg

We met Mindi and Fin for breakfast at Frau Möller's again. Always nice to have a go-to place for food. They leave on a flight back to Nuremburg, then catch a train to Bayreuth, where they are in university. We have our ICE train trip back to Stuttgart, then a local train to Eislingen. Our train leaves at 2:30, arriving in Stuttgart at 8:35. A traveling day for all.

The hotel wants us out by noon, so we pack our stuff and hop the bus to the train station where we sit and watch people and trains.

Sorry for you, readers, my camera battery is empty! I did remember to bring the charger, but, I forgot to bring the adapter you need to plug into German outlets. The battery worked hard til the end, but, no pictures on the return trip.

Hamburg taxi's are this frosted lemon color.

A Few Thoughts


My last visit to Germany was 2 years ago. It's hard to see much change here except that it now costs 1 € to use a bathroom that used to cost half that. Other prices may be higher, but it's hard to compare them. A coke on the train cost 4 €. The exchange rate is $1.13 per euro, essentially unchanged.


We have had cool, cloudy weather for this visit. That's not bad for me- I don't like to be too hot, Germany has almost no air conditioning nor water fountains. Nightime temperatures are in the middle 40's, daytime in the upper 60's.

News from Home

I subscribe to the Orlando Sentinel and Washington Post online. It's surprisingly good to see a familiar (if often troubling) summary of stuff happening back home. One of the things that always strikes me on this trip is the sense of being an alien here. Helps to read the newspaper and my email.