Jet Lag Recovery
June 3 2019
I was able to write to Chris while on the train (WiFi there), and let her know about the delays and which train I was on. She got my message in Skype on her cell phone. She did some shopping in the shopping center near the station, then met my train on the platform.
I would have some great pictures of happy Chris and our reunion, except I was just happy to see her, and just enough energy to handle that. We boarded a train to Eislingen, hopped in her car at the station and drove to her house. I fell asleep within minutes of taking off my shoes! A tired traveler!
Catching Up

Somehow, I lost a day here. Probably from sleeping such strange hours as I try to resynchronize my sleep cyle with the local time. This always seems a little worse because I stayed awake for 31 hours straight the day I flew (Up at 8 am on Friday, in bed at 3 pm on Saturday.) Chris and I stayed home all day on Sunday and Monday. Took lots of naps.
Chris has been feeding me well. The first night, we had a beef soup with semolina dumplings, with sausage and pretzels. We watched "Mamma Mia" on Netflix, which was very good (Meryl Streep and ABBA music). The second night we had roast beef, more of the soup, and pretzel dumplings (!) with mushroom goulash. All very good! We watched Disney's "Fantasia" on Amazon. Another early night.