Hamburg Day 3
Friday, 25 August 2017

Today started out as a gray, cool day. After our obligatory free breakfast buffet, we planned to visit 'The Planten un Blomen' park in central Hamburg famous for its huge flowering gardens, collection of plants and greenhoused botanical gardens. A few stops away on the light rail.

It's hard not to just keep shooting pictures of pretty flowers in these places, so that's just what we did. Here are a few of them.

By this time, we were hungry. Luckily, there was a handy beer garden in the park. I had my first currywurst, a grilled sausage covered in a sweet tomato sauce and sprinkled with curry. These, they were not so spicy, but Chris says some places are too hot for her.
After our lunch, we worked our way ( the long way ) back to a S-Bahn station, and then home. Time for a nap before dinner in the hotel.

Farewell to Hamburg
Tomorrow, we catch the train home, with no real plans to explore more in the morning. Hamburg has been a wonderful city to enjoy, and we've had good luck with the weather and transportation.
Comparing Strasbourg and Hamburg:
--- Both have high levels of "euro-quaintness", Strasbourg with more flower boxes and statues.
--- Hamburg feels like a working city, has busy guys in suits, and serious, determined commuters. Many more transporation options. Strasbourg is more laid back.
--- Hamburg has big city streets and big city dirt. Strasbourg is less lived-in.
Both are delightful. I can't decide which I like best.