Hamburg Day 2
Today our plan was to visit the model train museum, the weather expected and looking rainy. Part of the freebie package from our hotel is a 3-day transportation pass. We can use the city busses and underground as much as we want. The bus from the train station took us right to the building.
Miniatur Wunderland
This collection of train layouts must certainly be the largest in the world! Rooms were set up for a couple of countries each, and each country's layout was large. The total exhibit contained over 1000 running trains. We spent about 4 hours slowly moving through the string of rooms.
I've just posted small pictures here. Remember, you can view larger ones by clicking on these.

Hamburg City Hall

We stopped for a coffee after our long time in Wunderland- lots of standing and not so many rest seats. Luckily, the service was so slow I got a good long rest.

We decided to walk around to explore the neighborhood of our (only known) bus stop. As we walked toward the city center, it became clear we were close to the Hamburg City Hall (Rathaus). We hopped on a bus with 'Rathaus' on it's sign, and were there in minutes.

After an hour of watching other tourists in the Rathaus Platz, we started getting hungry. Our lumberjack breakfast at the hotel had finally worn off. We found a pretty little cafe by the canal and ordered a wonderful feast. After that, home to our hotel before the sun was down.