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Cocoa: Walk to the Pier

Cocoa Beach Pier



The pier in Cocoa Beach is about a mile south of our place on the beach. Christina awoke early today and decided to make the hike in the relatively cool morning.

She took these pictures with her phone.

Fishing heron
Fishing heron
Got a big One
The Pier at Last


Two kites in the air



Kiteboarding is a form of surfing where the surfer controls a large kite with four control lines, holding on to be pulled through the water. There are two kiteboarders who ride in the ocean outside our place, and we've been enjoying watching them.

At first, the kites seemed to be just oddly shaped beach kites. Then, you would notice that the kite flyer was moving them up and down the shore, then into the surf. Finally, we could see that the kite flyers were in the water, and on boards. It seems an impossible sport, with plenty of balance and coordination.

It's fun to watch.

Kite over the dune- Notice the flyer, standing
Adjusting the kite on the ground
Kite, drying on the lawn
Kite over the dune