Visiting Bob and Debbie
June 8 2018

Today we were invited to Bob and Debbie Dennard's home for dinner and to see their remarkable home and automobile.
Alone among my Florida friends, they have photovoltaic cells installed on their roof. This modest array supplies most of their electricity, including power for their Tesla Model X.
The car is a second marvel, with electric powerplant and plug-in garage recharger. Bob drove us both ways for the visit, and we rode back to my home in the Tesla. It's amazing to ride in such a quiet car at highway speeds. The electric motor is vibration free and almost silent. Most of the sound is the noise from the tires on the roadway.
Dinner was delightful with plank-grilled salmon and halibut, and Maryland-style crabcakes. All yummy with fresh green vegetables and white wine.