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Goofing Off and Convalescence

For the third day, I've been resting and taking cold medicine to try to shake this dreadful respiratory bug I've caught. I'm able to sleep most ot the night now, only occasionally awakened by hard coughing spells. The OTC drugs Chris has gotten for me are now starting to work on these symptoms. Luckily, we didn't have any plans for these days, and we have spent lots of time together.

Chris has this cold too, but it barely affects her- 2 or 3 coughs a day. She smiles indulgently at my suffering, and she and her girlfriend nod knowingly and refer to "man flu" (Männer Grippe). This is a reference to the widely held feminine belief that men exagerate the severity of illnesses because they are whimps.

Tomorrow, her work crew is hosting a barbecue in honor of Chris' birthday. I look forward to meeting her co-workers and a fun party. I sure hope I feel better than I do now.

Chris made a Strawberry Tiramisu. Looks yummy!