Train to Hamburg
Railroad Blues

We got up this morning about 6:30. Chris and I packed a few last things and Mindi drove us to the train station in Göpingen. We were there by 9 for the 9:30 train to Stuttgart. This train was on time, and was a lovely, modern machine.
Then things started to go wrong. The big, fast, posh ICE train that was to take us to Hamburg broken. It could not be used. We got the backup train, a lowly IC train that looked like it had been pulled out of retirement. Hard seats, no headrests, no food service. Everybody got on this train in Stuttgart, but in Frankfurt, there was not enough room, the the conductor held the train while excess passengers were taken off.

The trip took longer than expected. By the time we were approaching Hamburg (about 3 PM), the arrival time conflicted with other train assignments. The train would end its journey one stop short of Hamburg, where we hiked across the station and boarded another train for the last leg of our trip. Standing room only, but only about 10 minutes riding. We arrived in Hamburg about 4:30. It is a busy station, but Chris' cell phone navigated us to our hotel, which is across the street from the Bahnhof.