Ruff n' Sluff Bridge Club

It happened on a dark night (of course it was dark---it was night wasn’t it?) on March 19, 1945 that a future bridge director was born.  I started playing bridge in college which is why it took me 13 years to graduate. Duplicate bridge began in 1968 for about a year and then a 25 year break to raise a family. Bridge became a priority again in 1994 at the OMBC. I didn’t stay in the “romper room” long before moving over to “the other side” for what has amounted to years of addicting humiliation. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to everyone of my partners, both dead and alive, for all the shameful humiliation I have caused. After coming to my senses, I decided to try directing (at least this way I get to spread the humiliation around to everyone) as a way to remain “in the game”. I am glad I did. I really enjoy this more than playing. I have become very studious of duplicate law and find it fascinating. I began as a club owner at OMBC in September, 2007 when Martha McGhee graciously recommended me to the board to take the Tuesday and Thursday clubs. Thank you Martha for your confidence.


Mickey and I have 4 children and 2 grands---none of them play bridge.


Tuesday and Thursday games are alive and doing adequately. We hold a Swiss Team game on the second Thursday of each month.  Charity games every Thursday which will award triple master points. Additionally, I will hold the traditional Club Championships each quarter as allowed.